John Minicozzi

Home Loan Consultant
John Minicozzi
John Minicozzi
Home Loan Consultant NMLS #: 418588 (201) 394-4440
200 Black Oak Ridge Rd Wayne, NJ 07470

For a new or existing application in process, click below

About John Minicozzi

I am proud to offer my  clients over 25 years of dedicated experience in the home finance industry.

With a specialization in construction and home financing loans, moving to Valley has really added to the  breadth of products that I can offer to my clients who are looking to build or renovate.  I look forward to sharing them with you.

With me, it's all about building, and that includes building meaningful relationships with prospects and clients.  I look forward to helping you achieve your home-related goals.

Alma Mater:                         William Paterson University
Hobbies:                              Sawmilling and Woodworking
Favorite Movie:                    Second Hand Lions
Favorite Sport:                     Baseball


How can we help you?

To apply, click the appropriate link below and Create an Account before filling out your information.
Buy a Home
Get the tools and advice for the journey to your new front door.
Lower payments, pay off sooner or cash out existing equity in your home.
Home Equity
To access the cash you need, see which finance option is best for you.
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